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The first group is highly androgenic; these add bulk and weight gain. In the process, they also convert to estrogen, which helps body water retention and gain body fat at the same time. Examples of highly androgenic include Dianabol and Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate). Anabolics with less androgenic ratings will actually ‘dry’ the body and help it flush away excess fluid retention and body fat. Some great examples include Winstrol and Anavar which both improve protein synthesis and enhance nitrogen retention. Losing Body Fat vs. Another thing to consider is whether you actually want to lose weight or body fat. For instance, if you weigh 220 pounds and you have 10% body fat, but you want to start building mass and reduce body fat to 6%, you will attain weight gain in the process. Muscle has more mass than fat and therefore weighs more, gp proviron 25 mg oral steroids proviron. This simply means that you may look leaner and more toned in the end, but you may actually gain a few pounds. Before you start a steroid cycle for cutting or weight loss, consider your weight class. If you truly need to drop five pounds, then you might want to look outside anabolics for a different sort of compound. Can You Significantly Reduce Body Fat? On the other hand, if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, anabolic steroids are likely not the best choice ‘ at least at first. Losing weight with steroids is certainly possible, but it’s vital to remember that these oral steroids and steroids injections are not miracle workers. In order for any anabolic to live up to its reputation, the person using them must be committed to a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you are more than just a little overweight and you want help with shedding fat, anabolic steroids are not for you. In this case, it’s vital to move to a healthy lifestyle first and shed all the weight you can on your own before adding in exogenous anabolic steroids. A calorie-deficient diet and an exercise plan that combines cardio and strength gains training in just the right way will do wonders for your physique. Once you’ve reached a point where your body wants to hold on to the remaining body fat, but you’ve gained increasing muscle size at the same time, anabolic steroids may be an option for you. Adding them to your already healthy lifestyle can help you get rid of those last few pounds, and they may even harden your lean muscles at the same time. Clenbuterol, Albuterol, and Ephedrine. Clenbuterol (Clen), Albuterol, and Ephedrine all belong to a class of drugs known as bronchodilators. These medications react with certain receptors in the body to open the airways and allow better transmission of oxygen-rich blood. 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