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Most steroid users take the drugs as a shortcut to become leaner, more muscular, and generally look better, steroid users do not have the stereotypical bodybuilder physique, This is because this is due to the high levels of fat stored around the joints in steroid users’ bodies that is often found in bodybuilders. It is this fat that is the trigger for the muscles to grow, steroid users face.As with other drugs, this is why users of steroids will go and have sex in the gym, go to the gym to sweat, and not get enough protein in their meals, steroid users face.When steroids are used, there are anabolic hormones to make the muscles grow, steroid users face. This means that once steroid users gain a certain amount of muscle, they will actually continue to build their muscles for the rest of their lives.As these same steroids are not only used to have a muscular physique and stay young, but also to lose weight.The fact is that fat and muscle cannot be broken down in the body easily. This means that if a person takes steroids, it will take them a long time before their fat is gone, and it will result in them gaining a huge amount of weight, buy steroids legal canada. This is due to their body using the bodybuilding-type fat for fuel to do the work instead of fat stores inside the body, users steroid face.

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The steroid users also showed evidence of impaired diastolic function, which is the ability of the left ventricle to relax and fill with blood following contractionof the heart. In non-users, this is a major risk factor for heart and lung disease since it reduces the capacity to expel excess carbon dioxide (hemoglobin), which is an important regulator of blood pressure and heart rate, and for maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

The research team, led by Prof. Jürgen Wegner of the Department of Applied Physiology at the University of Bonn, the Max Planck Institute for Marine and Coastal Research in Hamburg, Germany, analysed the metabolites of steroid users who received a blood test in a lab from July and September 2011. They compared their metabolomes with those of healthy volunteers who took the same test at a later date and were not using any substances.

«We compared the profiles in the two groups to identify those people who have elevated beta-DHEA levels,» explained Dr. Wegner. «The presence of elevated DHEA indicates that someone is using a drug which raises the concentrations of testosterone, DHEA and androstenedione, or androstanediol.»

The levels increased in the steroid users from three weeks before to a year after they started using the drug. By 12 months later, the metabolites of users had increased in levels in all groups, but increased by a much higher magnitude than that observed to date for healthy volunteers.

«We suspect that the higher levels of androstanediol in the users must be responsible,» said Prof. Wegner. «As it is not a common source of estrogen, a similar dose level must be required to raise DHEA levels in the blood to such a level that it can no longer function as an endocrine androgen.»

In conclusion, the team suggests that the elevated DHEA levels seen in the steroid users can be explained more by an increased body weight due to physical inactivity, which is a common theme among steroid users and is especially common among females using steroids.

DHEA is an androgen which stimulates bone, muscle, and the nervous system, among other functions which are needed for the preservation of sexual attractiveness. It is currently used as a hormone in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. DHEA regulates energy supply and is essential for sexual function. It also decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure and reduces the risk of skin cancer in men.

Source: JUJ

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